McGettigan & Associates Ltd was founded in 1994 and has grown steadily
in the decade since then and now serves a broad client base, concentrated
in the midland region of Ireland but with significant involvement in
the West and South-East of the Country.
The practice applies a 'first principles' approach, dealing with each
project and site in an individual way where the design evolves from
the fundamentals of site analysis, and the clients brief, all in the
context of planning and other restrictions. This approach endeavours
to avoid dogmatism or mere stylism.
We have been fortunate to have had the opportunity to be involved in
a wide variety of projects - ranging from large commercial/residential
schemes to education facilities, public/civic buildings, religious projects
and private commissions.
The significant number of our major repeat clients is testament to a
straightforward, genuine and creative approach.
The practice utilises the AutoCAD family of products for the efficient
production of drawings and we employ a creative use of artistic rendering,
3D modelling and photo montage techniques to aid the design and visualisation
of projects.